I was born in 1940, in a free country called the United States of America. I still live in that country. It's still called the United States of America. But how free is it really?

I hold a degree in Theoretical Physics. I've worked as a physicist, a software designer/developer, an independent computer consultant, a management consultant ...I know how to think, and can tell the difference among facts, factoids and fictons*. I am a loyal American and a patriot but all too often I think that calling this a free country is a ficton.

How free is a country where you be arrested for saying "hi" to your friend Jack at an airport? A country whose government maintains a secret "no-fly" list that you may be on, but you won't find out until you get to the airport, and even then you won't find out why? A country whose government can demand information about you, not notify you, and not allow their source to notify you?

That said, I've been looking over some of my past posts, and don't recognize the person who wrote them. They're essentially a bunch of long rants. Not what I want. I've removed many of the most blatant examples, and from now on will think twice before I publish.

*Fiction suggests a story invented and fashioned to entertain or to deceive

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

An Open Letter To President Obama

Mr. President:

Now that we're past the immediate debt ceiling crisis, take a good look at the people around you.
I'm particularly uncomfortable with Treasury Secretary Geithner. He often struck me as being "the enemy within." As far as I can tell, he does not support you in any way. I may be wrong but I, and many others out here, perceive him that way. His background is a melange of Asian matters, international policy, and involvement with failed Lehman Brothers, "too-big-to-fail" AIG. To me, and to many other voters I know, his continued presence sends a strong signal of weakness.

I'm glad that Secretary Gates resigned. His presence in your cabinet made it very hard to defend your actions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Guantanamo, and other terrorism-related issues. It's still hard, but not as hard as it would have been with the picture of Secretary Gates pulling your strings.

For the same reasons I wish you had not chosen General Petraeus to head the CIA. To many people General Petraeus symbolizes the very unpopular wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. This perception may be unfair to the General, but what does fairness have to do with real life?

In short, you have a really tough re-election battle ahead. Your image has taken a beating. I don't know the reasons behind the way you have  conducted yourself recently. but you don't seem to be the leader I voted for.

Even I, one of your strongest supporters in an area where the electorate would have much preferred Hillary Clinton, am having some serious concerns about my ability to speak effectively on your behalf. You could help me and your other supporters by sending some clear signals that show your fundamental dedication to the historic principles of the Democratic Party, and your willingness to fight strongly for them.

Mr. President, I don't know who you are or what you stand for. In 2008 I had hope, Now I have only a wish ... a wish for the strong progressive leader our country so desperately needs. If that's you, please "Be what you are and be it in style"❶. If you're someone else, please show us who you are.

❶ A phrase often  written by Robert Heinlein for his "Lazarus Long" character.